Following our recent consultation in 2017/2018, in readiness for opening a Sixth Form at the school, we were successful on condition that we succeeded in our capital bid. Unfortunately, we did not have the same success at this later stage and therefore we are required by the Department for Education to restart the public consultation.

Obviously, it’s as important as ever that we get the views of parents as much as the views of the public, local schools and other stakeholders. Speaking to many of you, I appreciate that you have been hugely supportive of the endeavour. This is why we have been so persistent in our pursuit of this, in spite of the challenges. We believe that it would be good for our students and the school community as a whole. Therefore, if we could ask you one more time to engage with the consultation we would very much appreciate it.

Please note that, following comments made during the recent consultation and in response to a shortage of vocational courses within Haringey, the Board has decided to offer a specialist range of vocational courses in addition to A Level Subjects. These will be predominantly at Level 3.

We are genuinely interested in hearing your views and would, therefore, like to open a consultation with all stakeholders and the community on extending the age range of Heartlands High school to 11–18 and to opening a Sixth Form Centre within the school. The admission criteria and further information on the nature of the provision is set out on our school website here

We will be holding a consultation event on the Wednesday 6th February at 19:00. This event will be for parents or members of the school community that have questions or concerns about the proposal. The consultation period will close on Monday 25th February 2019. Following that Directors will consider responses within 12 weeks of that date. Responses will be published on the school website.

Parents evening consultation meetings will be held at Heartlands High School on the 6th February at 19:00pm.

Appointments are available for members of the community on request.


Polish  Szkoła Heartlands High School przeprowadza konsultacje w sprawie otwarcia Sixth Form. Aby uzyskać tłumaczenie tych informacji, prosimy o kontakt z biurem szkoły pod adresem lub pod numerem 020 8826 1230

Somali  Dugsiga sare ee Heartland waxa uu ku talo jiraa in uu furo six foorm. Haddii aad doonayso in macluumaadkan lagu turjumo fadlan la xidhiidh xafiiska dugsiga ama 020 8826 1230

Spanish  Heartlands High School está a punto de abris un Sixth Form (Bachillerato). Si quisiera recibir información sobre nuestro Sixth Form en español, contacte la oficina del collegio enviando un correo a o por teléfono a 020 8826 1230.

Turkish  Heartlands Lisesi, Altıncı Form (12. ve 13. sınıflar) açma konusunda istişarede bulunmaktadır. Bu bilgileri çevirtmek isterseniz, lütfen adresinden veya 020 8826 1230 numaralı telefondan okul bürosuyla iletişime geçiniz.